Dear music lover,
You know in today’s world there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of heroes we can turn to for inspiration…
But then there’s C.S. Lewis.
He’s been gone since 1963, but his life was one that exemplified everything Sage Music stands for, and practices on behalf of our music loving students every single day…
Namely… dedication, perseverance, vision, excellence and fulfillment.
Lewis was a prolific author of fiction and nonfiction, and he wrote dozens of books which are popular to this day the world over. One popular noteworthy work of fiction he crafted is, The Chronicles of Narnia.
He also is fondly remembered for the numerous quotes he penned over the course of his illustrious career. What’s even more impressive is, he accomplished all this – while serving on the teaching staff as a professor at Oxford university in England.
One of his quotes I especially admire is…
My teaching staff and I couldn’t agree more.
What all of us here admire about him was, he was someone who not only talked the talk… but he walked the walk.
What about you… are you walking the walk?
You know the walk?
The vision you once had of being an accomplished musician or singer.
One aspect that all of us lovers of music have in common is…
Our desire to play a musical instrument, or become a polished singer of songs never dies…
Also, we all have a desire to feel like we’ve accomplished what we set out to do. The feelings may dull, but they never completely disappear.
Your vision may fade… it may come and go… but rest assured – in a moment of reflection… when we are alone with our thoughts…
Our vision has a way of showing up at the most unexpected of times… taking us back to a point in our life when the fire was burning bright, and we were ready to step up and build our own field of dreams.
C.S. Lewis says it best…
In case you don’t know…many of our students are well over 20 years of age…in fact, you’ll find plenty of eager musical students who range in age from 12 – 60 years old.
Also… there are no classes at Sage per say…everyone receives hands on, one-on-one personal instruction from one of our elite Arpeggio® certified instructors.
Sage Music is the only music school in the country where you can receive this incredibly successful teaching instruction and guidance.
Our music teachers believe and put into practice daily, as I do, another C.S. Lewis quote:
My staff and I are extremely happy and if truth be known… thrilled by the progress our students are achieving…. Faster and easier than they could ever anticipate or imagine.
Please, don’t take my word for it… take a look for yourself.
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Quite frankly… Sage Music is going where no other music school has ever been before, and our teachers and students say it best!
“Alessandra wanted to learn hymns to play in church. Through the Arpeggio™ lesson system at Sage Music, she was able to reach her goal of learning her first hymn in just over 1 month. She is very escited to keep working within the Arpeggio™ system because of reaching this initial goal so quickly.”
- Alessandra's Mom
When it’s all said and done… Sage Music can help you reach your goals, and live your dreams… and do it quicker and easier than you can imagine using our exclusive Arpeggio™ lesson system.
Just like so many others who enter our doors, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.
There’s simply nothing that can compare to a long-lost dream that comes true…
However, before accepting a new student, we like you to experience and feel the warm and accepting atmosphere that makes learning so exceptionally fun, exciting and worthwhile at Sage Music.
So…we have decided to open the doors to a select few, and invite you to visit us so you can see and feel the magic that is so much a part of Sage Music.
You will get a close-up and personal tour of our school – and even get to look into and see how our acclaimed musical instructors achieve the amazing results they do with your fellow students.
You will even have an opportunity to chat with students as well as our instructors if you so wish. They will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Refreshments and snacks will also be served.
And for those who take the tour… we have a special undisclosed surprise waiting for you!
But remember… this is a time limited occasion you don’t want to pass up.
Due to the exclusive nature of this tour… this is a first-come – first-serve opportunity.
To experience the magic of Sage Music…call us now @ (718) 361-2922
Tell our operator you received a message from me: Jason Sagebiel, and you would like to visit and take Jason up on his offer. At which time you will get all the details on the dates and times the doors will be open so you can come and visit with us.
Don’t wait…openings are limited… call today.
May all of your musical dreams come true.
In case you are still wondering if you are ever too old to learn music....
MTNA Nationally Certified Teacher of Music
Founder, Sage Music
P.S as C.S. Lewis so eloquently reminded us… “The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.”
He also said: “I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance”
Fortunately, you now have an exclusive opportunity to turn one of your regrets into a story with a happy ending. There is a…superior way… to learn music and you can experience at Sage Music. Call us now @ (718) 361-2922
Want us to call you?…
Give us your best email and number to call and we will be in touch in the order in which your information is received…Don’t delay…do it now
Teaching Integrity
Sage teachers work with integrity and put the student first above all else.